
发布时间:2019-03-08 文章作者:浏览次数:1635

姓名於跃成 性别男 
出生年月 1971.12学历/学位 博士
联系电话 +86-511-84409018
职称/职务 副教授
电子邮箱 zhjyuyuecheng@163.com
研究方向 机器学习、数据挖掘、模式识别

3、中国民航信息技术科研基地开放课题基金“基于购票行为的民航旅客出行偏好分析技术研究”(项目号:CAAC- ITRB-201302),2013/9-2015/9,在研,主持。
5、国家民航总局软科学项目(MHRD201007)《 航班时刻智能数据分析系统》子课题“航班时刻编排与优化辅助决策原型系统”,2011.6-2011.11,主持,已结题。




[1] 於跃成, 刘彩生, 生佳根. 分布式约束一致高斯混合模型 [J]. 南京理工大学学报(自然科学版), 2013, 37 (6): 799-806
[2] 於跃成, 王建东, 郑关胜等. 基于约束信息的并行k-means 算法 [J]. 东南大学学报 (自然科学版), 2011, 41(3): 505-508
[3] Yu Y C, Wang J D, Zheng G S et al. Distributed K-means based on soft constraints [J]. Journal of Software Engineering, 2011, (5)4: 116-126
[4] 於跃成, 生佳根. 基于混合高斯模型的增量式聚类 [J]. 江苏科技大学学报(自然科学版), 2011, 25(6): 597-601
[5] Yu Yuecheng , Wang Jiandong, Zheng Guansheng, et al. A modified parallel k-means clustering with improved initial centers[J]. Journal of Computational Information Systems, 2010,6(12):4091-4098.
[6] Yuecheng Yu, Jiandong Wang, Guansheng Zheng, Bin Gu. Semi-supervised distributed clustering with Mahalanobis distance metric learning[J]. International Journal of Digital Content Technology and its Applications, 2010,4(9):132-140
[7]Yuecheng Yu, Xiaohua Zou. Evolutionary k-means Based on Constrained Clustering[J]. ICIC Express Letters,2014,Vol.8,Issue 9:2593-2598.
[8] 於跃成,生佳根,邹晓华. 基于约束正则化的生成聚类分析[J].系统工程与电子技术, 2014,Vol.36,Issue 4: 57-63.
[9] Yu Yuecheng, Sheng Jiagen, Zou Xiaohua. Parameters Optimization Method of Gaussian Mixture Model with Data Evolution[J]. Transactions of Nanjin University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,2014,vol.31, No 4: 394-404.
[10] Yu Yuecheng. An Extended Model of the Cellular Automata[C]. In Proceedings of International Colloquium on Computing, Communication, Control, and Management(CCCM 2009). Sanya, China: IEEE Computer Society, 2009: pp.66-69.                                        

[11]Yu Yuecheng. A Model for Predicting Flight Delay and Delay Propagation Based on Parallel Cellular Automata[C]. International Colloquium on Computing, Communication, Control, and Management. CCCM 2009, Sanya, China, 2009:70-73.
[12]Bin Gu, Jian-Dong Wang, Guan-Sheng Zheng, Yue-Cheng Yu. Regularization Path for ν-Support Vector Classification[J]. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 23(5): 800-811,2012.
[13]Bin Gu, Jian-Dong Wang, Yue-Cheng Yu, Guan-Sheng Zheng, Yu-Fan Huang, and Tao Xu. Accurate on-line ν-support vector learning[J]. Neural Networks, 27(0):51–59, 2012.
[14]Bin Gu, Jian-Dong Wang, Yue-Cheng Yu, Guan-Sheng Zheng, Li-Na Wang. An Effective Regularization Path for nu-Support Vector Classification[C]. The International Conference on Intelligent Information Technology Application (IITA 2009)), 2009:90-93.                    

[15]ZHENG Guansheng, WANG Jiandong, YU Yuecheng, GU Bin. A Survey on Algorithms of Incremental Non-Negative Matrix Factorization[J]. Journal of Computational Information Systems, (6)12, 2010:  3867-3874.